
It’s that time again! Here’s the fitness challenge for this month:

Choose two days out of the work week that you can dedicate an hour and a half to fitness. On these two days do the following:

Walk to your nearest track. (Try avoiding driving, but if it is necessary you may do so)

You will be participating in two one-mile circuits. (1mile=4laps)

After you run each lap, pause and do:

10 bodyweight squats

15 pushups

25 abs (do various ab exercises each time)

Continue onto your next lap and repeat. After you have completed the first mile, take a ten minute break and repeat, but in the second circuit substitute the body weight squats with 10 lunges on each leg.

On the other five days of the week do the following:

2 sets of 10 lunges on each leg

100 abs

75 pushups


On these Spring Sundays before brunch do a 10-15minute run. 

Stay hydrated and drink water all day! (more of this month’s challenge below the picture)



After the workout:

Drink two glasses of water right before you lay down for the night and keep a glass full by your bedside. While you sleep, your body becomes less hydrated. The less dehydrated you are when you awake the more active your muscles become. Dehydration thickens your blood, which allows the muscles to become lethargic.

For breakfast during the week, drink a protein filled fruit smoothie and leave the bacon and eggs alone!

 Try to ONLY eat fried foods on the weekends.

Good Luck!



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