
Summer bodies are made in the winter

The extremely cold and rough winter may have you feeling lethargic, but before you give in just remember that the work you put into your fitness now will come to light when it matters most … on the beach posing for Instagram! Here’s your fitness challenge for the month:

10 lunges on each leg after every shower!

3-5days per week


100x abs

15x body weight squats

2-4 sets of in-place high knees (30sec each) Reach 4 sets by the final week of the month

50-100x push-ups (reach 100 by the end the final week of the month)

15min run(2x days out the week, but not back-to-back)


30min run outside preferably or on the treadmill

Participate in at least two yoga classes this month

Diet Challenge

Join #teamnatural! Challenge yourself to only eating naturalĀ sugarsĀ i.e. fruits. Stay away from snacks containing, glucose, dextrose, maltose, etc. White Sugar vs. Sugar from Fruit

Continue to drink large amounts water. Adding lemons, cucumbers, oranges etc. are a plus. Get rid of the holiday toxins!

Good Luck!




