
The season for PERFECT running weather has begun. “It’s too hot” is no longer a valid excuse. “It’s too cold” is pretty premature. Summer may be over, but the quest for good health and a flexing physique continues.

Running: 20-30 min run on Monday, Wednesday , and Sunday

A 20 minute run before work can get your body flowing mentally and physically. You’ll certainly feel the difference in energy level and productivity. A Sunday run before brunch will have you buzzed before your first sip of a mimosa. If you can’t complete your runs in the morning, then the afternoon/evening will suffice.

Attempt to do the following workouts everyday except Saturday:

Core (10 min): Alternated Crunches(elbow towards knee) x 25 each knee – 30 sec rest Side crunches x 15 each side – 30 sec restLow bicycles (2 x 30 sec) with 20 sec rest in between – 45 sec rest – 25 – 50 sit-ups with hands above your head.

Upper Body (10-15 min): 4 sets of 25 push-ups with 1 min rest in between – 1 min rest – 2-3 sets of Push-Ups with Bicep Emphasis

Lower Body (15 min): Fire Hydrants x 25 each leg – 1 minute restDonkey Hips x 25 each leg – 1 minute rest – Lunges x 10 – 15 each leg



Health Challenge

It may be cooling down, but continue to drink a lot of water. Add any citric fruit to your water.

For breakfast, look into other sources of protein rather than the typical bacon, eggs, etc. Ideal items for breakfast: soy protein shake, soy yogurt, oatmeal, etc. A diverse protein intake is a good one. You will receive your usual animal protein with your lunch and dinner presumably.

If you’re a vegetarian, grab some egg whites and whole grain toast or fruits along with a protein shake. Stay away from sweets such as muffins, donuts, etc.


Good Luck!


