1. Never reattempt with an old flame

Leave the past … in the past! We may think now that we’ve earned a degree and are young professionals earning “money”, that we are now more mature enough to finally develop a relationship with an old flame or fling. WRONG! It’s wishful thinking at best, but it’s a waste of time. In the end, you always realize what went wrong years ago and that short-lived excitement turns into resentment for time wasted.

2. Social Media is not just for the “youngins”

Many graduates delete their social media accounts because it usually reminds them of their “immature” days and the deletion process is a “right of passage into the real world”. In reality, as social media platforms progress and become more popular and integrated into social and professional life these graduates tend to rejoin these social media platforms playing catch up. My advice: Instead of deletion, maybe revamp your accounts. Delete some of the “immature” content, post more mature content, and stay engaged. You should be able to see the evolution instead of forgetting where you started.

3.Traveling is not just something you do during Spring Break

During undergrad, a week was designated for us to travel and turn up with our peers. Many headed to South Beach, Las Vegas, or Mexico. Don’t make the mistake of only traveling when told to. You and your closest friends from undergrad can designate your own week to travel. Whether you want travel nationally or internationally is your own choice. I recommend internationally for planned trips because national trips could end up being spontaneous and inexpensive last minute getaways.

4. Never distance yourselves from the underclassmen you broke bread with

To solidify and showoff that us graduates have “truly” moved on from college we may tend to drop some of our friends who are still on the undergraduate journey. Sometimes unintentionally due to distance, but the effort to remain friends or even close associates should be put forth. They will keep you updated with messy current events without your name being involved in the gossip. They will keep you hip to current and new trends and slang. You’ll have a place to stay for free during Homecoming and Spring Fling festivities or even major sporting events. Just remember to check-in from time to time. You help them to mature into eventual alumni and they’ll help keep you grounded and young. This task shouldn’t be difficult when we all have smartphones and multiple social media outlets.


5. Graduating doesn’t mean you turn down, you just turn up in a different fashion

You can still turn up on a Tuesday, just not too late and be classy with it. There are plenty of social hours, happy hours, and fashion/promotional events that can substitute for a mid-week house party. Enjoy game nights with cocktails. TGIT (Shonda Rhimes Night) watch parties can be the new Thirsty Thursday. On the weekends, as long as you’re not drinking from cheap $10 plastic bottles, or drinking jungle juice anything goes. It’s ok to be drunk at 4pm on weekends when your excuse is brunch.

Do you have any additional social mistakes?



2 thoughts on “5 Social Mistakes Not To Make Post-Undergrad

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  1. Clinks Glass 10 years ago

    “You can still turn up on a Tuesday, just not too late and be classy with it.”

    What movie/show is that picture of NewNew and Hayden from?

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