
Beer has garnered a reputation that is partially incorrect. It is popular belief that beer causes weight gain and an unflattering mid-section. This misconception stems from the term ‘beer belly’ and those of us that have them do not help when trying to bust this myth. I’m here to help correct that reputation to keep games such as ‘beer pong’, ‘flip cup’, and good ol’ fashioned beer funneling alive.


Much like ANYTHING you consume, if you consume too much of it it’ll end up not being beneficial for you. Beer itself does not make you fat. In order for beer itself to make someone accumulate unwanted fat, they would have to drink gallons. Now, who drinks gallons of beer daily? Research suggests that it is the amount of the food you consume after throwing back beers in addition to its quality. There is no fat in beer, but there is bulk, which stretches the stomach lining. The expanded lining of the stomach allows for the food to fit comfortably within the stomach. Add a lessened metabolism rate to that, due to the alcohol content and you see how a “beer belly” can be formed.

Advice: Eat before you indulge in beer consumption or just be careful of what and how much you consume after sipping, gulping, or chugging beers. So you can keep the beer Olympic Games alive and still remain fit!



2 thoughts on “Myths of Beer: The Beer Belly

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  1. Benjamin M. Perry 11 years ago

    Glad to know i can continue to indulge on that tasty beverage… refreshing

  2. Rachael Lee 11 years ago

    I love beer and was worried about gaining the infamous beer belly so thanks for this definitely puts my mind at ease ….let the drinking begin